Ajankohtaisia tapahtumia KOTELissa
05.-06.2.2025 KOTEL EMC Seminar at Tampere, Finland
KOTEL 2025 EMC-seminar was successfully arranged at Vapriikki Tampere with more than 70 participants.
See agenda and details, including presentation material:
KOTEL EMC-seminar 2025 – KOTEL ry
14.02.2024 KOTEL TR19 02/24 Työryhmäkokous
Teams-etäkokous klo 12:00 – 15.00.
31.1.2024 KOTEL H1/24 Hallituksen kokous
Teams-etäkokous klo 12:00 – 15.00.
13.12.2023 KOTEL H8/23 8/23 Hallituksen kokous
Teams-etäkokous klo 08:30 – 11.00.
Aiheita: 2024 suunnitelmat
13.12.2023 KOTEL TR19 07/23 Työryhmäkokous
Teams-etäkokous klo 12:00 – 15.30.
Aiheita: 2024 suunnitelmat
08.12.2023 KOTEL TR6 Työryhmäkokous
Kokous: Celltech, Postikorvenkatu 6, Tampere
Ilmoittautuminen: Kirsi Saarinen-Pulli
80th CEEES Meeting, December 5th – 6th 2023, Milano
The 80th CEEES Meeting will be held in conjunction with XXXI A.I.VE.LA. National Conference, in Milan, Italy, 5-6 December 2023. A.I.VE.LA. conference focuses on non-contact or minimally invasive measurement techniques. (Please, check further details at: https://www.aivela.org/xxxi-aivela-national-
Proposal for 4 to 5 papers (or more) in English, by CEEES experts are kindly welcome giving talks of approximately 15 mins, with reference to the field of interest of the CEEES Technical Advisory Boards: Reliability and EES, Mechanical Environment, Climatic and Environmental Pollution Effects. Also, contribution presenting the strategies and activities of work Groups in National Associations could be of interest. Multiple proposals by each National Associations will be strongly appreciated with reference to both scientific and technical aspects.
In order to define the program of the CEEES Session, please send a short abstract (title + max 250 words), by November 7th, 2023 to Giulio D’Emilia, CEEES President, Department of Industrial and Information Engineering and Economics, University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila (ITALY), e-mail: giulio.demilia@univaq.it
The abstract will include title, Authors, organization, National organization, objectives, and results of the work, including figures as appropriate.
Link for zoom/MS Teams connections will be also available. Details will be given after the registration.
For further details (KOTEL members) contact either markku.juntunen@eertech.fi or pasi.valimaki@danfoss.com